Dagana Dzong

The name ‘Dagana’ is derived from the words – Darkala and Darkarnang. The former refers to the province’s guardian deity – Jomo Darkamo and the latter means ‘The Realm of White Prayer Flags’.
Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal managed to unify most of western Bhutan by mid-17th century but the central, eastern and southern parts still remained so he deputed his Dronyer Druk Namgyelto Darkala in 1648 to bring the area under the central rule and also commanded him to build a Dzong to defend the country from the invading armies from south. Two years later in 1651, the Dzong was completed and was formally named by Zhabdrung as Daga Trashiyangtse Dzong. Tenpa Thinley was appointed as the first Daga Poenlop. The office of the Daga Penlop held the rank of cabinet minister under the Desi (temporal ruler) system of government introduced by the Zhabdrung.
Dagana Dzongkhag has one Dungkhag and 14 Gewogs under its administration. The Dungkhag is Lhamoi Dzingkhag and the Gewogs are Dorona, Drukjegang, Gesarling, Gozhi, Karmaling, Karna, Khebisa, Largyab, Lhamoi Dzingkha, Nichula, Tashiding, Tsangkha, Tsendagang and Tseza. Dagana Dzongkhag comprises Dzongkhag Tshogdue (DT) and of It has 29 Gewog Tshogde (GT), while DT is the highest decision making body in the Dzongkhag, GT has same authority at the Gewog level. There are 29 DT members while GT has 7 members with a total of 98 members
Source: Daga Dzongkhag website