Meritsemo Ney

Meritsemo ney under Bongo gewog at Chhukha is the sacred place of Gungmen Gyalmo, referred to as Ma Gungmen Gyalmo in the biography of the king Gesar of Ling, was a mind emanation of the nun who give secret prophecy to king Gesar. In Bon tradition, she is considered to be a heavenly is also a great sacred place where Terton Drukdra Dorji meditated by invoking the local deity Zhingchong Wangmo as his secret consort.
Dasho zhamling Dorje, the former Deputy speaker of the national Assembly, recounted the following. In the 1970s , while he was the Drungpa of Chapcha, a group of geologists from India came to study the geology of this place and set up their camps. The locals told them thats this is a sacred place, but they started their works without heeding the warning from the locals.
Then, before long ,some of them were suddenly taken ill while others went mad. They had a machine which could not be lifted by twenty men together earlier, but after that one of the mad men lifted it up easily and threw it. All of them were bewildered by this.The locals submitted a report on this incident to the Home minister of Bhutan. The Home minister instructed him ( the Chapcha Drungpa ) to go and hold an enquiry. When he went there and and asked both the locals and the Indian geologists, the incident turned out to be true, so he submitted his findings to the Ministry and in accordance with his report , the Ministry issue an order immediately banning them from carrying their geological study here at this sacred place.

Kencho Tshering from Bongo village said that there are seven lakes at upper reaches of the ketokha Hill. He recounted that once a Cargo plane , which came flying past these lakes and Meritsemo Ney , struck a cliff at the hilltop and crashed. Later , another plane crashed and fell down on a ground at the hilltop of Gyaldenphu and again a helicopter crashed in Tsimalakha. People say that , following those incident, the indian planes always try to avoid flaying over these two places.
Source: Druk Ge Ney-1FB
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