Padmasambhava Lhakhang

The biography of King Sindhu Raja called the Clear Mirror states : " Ugyen Guru Rinpoche manifested in the form of Padmasambhava and left his body imprint on a rock ; he manifested the form of Shri Vajrakumar ( Palchen Dorji Zhonu) and subdued all gods and demons, and got the name of Padmasambhava. "
Divided by chamkhar chhu between Kurjey Lhakhang, Padmasambhava is one of the many sacred meditation sites associated with the 8th century Guru Rinpoche that just lies opposite to the direct view from Kurjey Lhakhang. Here Guru transformed himself into the form known as Padmasambhava and meditated at the site. Choekhor Depa Kunthub built the original temple. Later the first King Gonsar Ugyen Wangchuck renovated and expanded the temple in the early 20th century.
The temple assumed it's present form after Mayum Ashi Pem Dechen carried out renovation. One can see a self-arisen bodily imprint of Padmasambhava left on the rock ; to its right is an image of a standing Dorji Phagmo ( Vajravarahi ) while to the left side is a marvellous Shri Vajrakumar along with deities of three roots, trio known as Tsasum Lhatshog. In the right corner of the temple , one can see the thumb imprint of Guru Rinpoche and above is Guru Rinpoche‘s footprint. Located at about 2550 metres above sea level , the temple can help reached in about fifteenth minutes walk from Pangrey village. You can also find a Drupchhu (Holy water) of Guru Rimpochhe just about 2 minutes walk from the temple. And it's believed that Drupchhu at Kurjey and Padmasambhava is Pho chhu and Mo chhu.
Compiled by Pema Norbu