Namgay Cring shares review

Failed hike to Genyen Jagpa Milen Latsho

Spirit OR Life force lake (Latsho) of Genyen Jagpa Milen.
 Public 3 years, 1 month ago

On March, 2021,  the dream of visiting the Genyen Jagpa Milen  Latsho came true with few of friends regretted with some personal problem. Four  of us started the hike at about 8 am from Dechephug Lhakhang. As we inquired  a monk about the way, the monk express his worried that we wouldn't make it, as we started late unlike other hiker, they starts very early in the morning.However, we want  to make it happen as it is very difficult to organize such plan in this busy world.

Mr.kelden, Mr. Jamyang and Mr. kuenzang

The journey is about 6 hours walk above the Lhakhang and its a hard work climbing uphills. As we starts our journey, we enjoy the  refreshing nature that blessed us with amazing tress  and vegetation. Despite thick snow on the path, we continued with the hiking caring our own pack  lunch with the walking stick to pull ourself  up.

In the middle of journey, since some of friends couldn't had a breakfast, we decided to have a lunch of one of us. It took our few minutes as we enjoy lunch and warm tea in the snow. 

The   path has been completely covered by snow, it is bit difficult to find the  way and moreover, it is slippery  to  walk uphill. The snow is about 6cm think which covers till our ankle  and  wets shoe. On the way, we met with group who were returning back since the snow is so thick on the mountain top. Despite their suggestion to return back, we continued the journey.

After few hours walk, we reached on top of the mountain and rejoice  that we reached our destination. The surrounding are covered by thick fog and the  visibility is too poor. We search for the lake nearby hoping that  it will be near us. We have been taking cautious that we won't slip and fall down into the lake.

The place feels like mysterious and even mountain looks different which is covered by thick snow. To our despair, we came to understand that  we were not at the destination since we couldn't find the lake. We tried to find the way to continue, however because of the thick snow it is very difficult to find the way. Despite our hard work and enthusiasm, we slowly accepted that  the plan is going to  fail  beside it is also too risky to continue.

Finally, before we decide to return back to home, we   made fire and offered sang (smoke offering) and prayed. We also had little singing session and had our lunch. The returning back is bit easier, however we were too tried  and very cold   but we really enjoyed the hike even though we didn't reached the destination. We will never forget the memories that we had and the great experience in thick snow.

It became too dark when we reach the base, however the flash light on the mobile really assisted us in finding the way. Despite being bit sad, we decided to plan again  the same hike with more friends next time.


  • Start early so that you will have more time to enjoy the lake and amazing nature there.
  • Important to take lunch and water as the hike will whole day.
  • Possible for mountain sickness
  • Take into account that day is not   day / week / month is snowy