Dhur Tshachu
Tshachu (Hot string)

Dur tshechu is located in bumtang valley Which is a farm road twelve kilometers upstream from Chamkhar town on the way to Dur Menchugang. From there it is a three-day Journey by horse to reach the hot spring. There are many hot springs along the Mangde River, a fact mentioned in the biography of Gyap Sindhu Raja called The Clear Mirror states :" Ugyen Guru Rinpoche arrived at the upper end of Dur in the form of Guru Menlha " Medicine Guru Rinpoche ". He revealed 108 hot springs inorder to liberate sentient beings from deadly diseases, and bound all the local deities and treasure protectors by an oath ( to protect the hot spring will not be reborn in the lower realms."
As mentioned, though this efficacious hot springs has been in existence a long time, it seems that it was inaccessible for a period of time. It is said that after Guru Rinpoche’s visited and blessed spring and many small pool inorder to benefit those who suffered from disease. It was a great noble deed by him.The pool and spring was named Tshachu Deged Nyomden.
As research book Hot Springs and Medicinal Water published by Institute of Traditional Medicine (Nagpai Menkha) mentioned Dur Hot Springs. It states that moving upstream from Bumthang Kurje ,one crosses Juli La and Gogthang La- both of which are over 4000 metres high and the springs is located at 3390 metres above sea level between Mandge River on the right and a stream that originates from Chatsinang Lake on the left.

There are around 14 hot springs pool at Dur ,seven of which are formally examined and tested by the Institute of Traditional Medicine and they are-
1.Guru Tshachu
2.Drangwa Mo Tshachu (female hot spring)
3.Drangwa Pho Tshachu (male hot spring )
4.Zerkham Tshachu
5.Gunay Tshachu
6. Khandro Tshachu (Dakini hot spring )
7.Chenrezig Tshachu ( Avalokiteshvara hot spring ).
Therapeutic Benefits:
The benefits of each ponds are as follows: Chenrezi; vision defects, Zekha; tetanus,
Dangwa Mochu; sexually transmitted diseases ,
Gunay; chronic and acute headaches,
Guru; a general pond with healing properties for all kinds of diseases,
Beken; tuberculosis.
P.C@Tashi Choechong.
Source: Druki Nye.
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