Khaling Gonpa

Category: Temple Address Trashigang

t is located at Gonpa Dzör, is revered as one of the most important temples in eastern Bhutan. The temple, as per Namthar Pagsam Yodhingema, was first built by Je Kuenga Gyeltshen AKA Gyalse Ganapati (who assumed the posts of Druk Desi and Je Khenpo simultaneously in 1705), the first reincarnation of Jampel Dorji, the son of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel. [Gyalse Ganapati was born in 1685 to father Yoenpo Dorji and mother Karma Lhamo in Tsimdrok Tashicholing Lhakhang (now in ruins) in Pemachen, present day Chaling in Trashigang.]
The small temple was later renovated and enlarged under the behest of the third and last Trashigang Dzongpon Sey Dopola (Thrinlay Tobgay) during the reign of Second King Jigme Wangchuck.

The shrine houses not only the sacred objects like the founder's boots, seals, and utensils but also the three sacred religious scrolls of Guru Rinpochhe, Chenrigzig, and Yoepame, believed to have been crafted by King Trisong Duetsen of Tibet in the 7th century, which mysteriously flew themselves from Tibet and ultimately perched at the current site of the temple. The scrolls are unfurled on the third day of tsechu every year and the sacred relics are also being displayed on that day.
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Source : Sangay Tenzin FB
Photo: HE Sakten Trulku Rinpoche

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