Bumdrag Monastery

The monastery is located at a place which is about 3 hours walk from Taktsang monastery. It is believed that once, a lakh of angels descended in that place and left behind their beautiful footprints. Thus the place where the monastery is located is known as Bumdrag or “one lakh print on the rock”.
It is also believed that during the 11th century the reincarnate of Goddess Tara visited the place. Then subsequently a temple was built and even to this day we can see the actual footprints of the angels behind the main altar in the lhakhang. The main statue is the statue of Dorje Phagmo who is an emanation of Goddess Tara herself.
To the left of the monastery lies the small footprints and it is believed that the angles flew to heaven from that point. Just below the monastery there is a holy spring believed to cure certain illness. Then at a distance of about 30 minutes walk from the monastery there is a big rock which is believed to be Guru’s hat and at this very place, long ago sky burial (feeding bodies to vultures) was practiced here.
source: www.paro.gov.bt