Kila Goenpa

Tenzin Norbu who was the 4th descendant of Drubthog Chekarwa bore two children, son Pow Dorji and daughter Dechhogma in Tibet. Pow Dorji became a learned saint, who was educated by Lhatshun Chhoki Jamtsho. On the other hand, the daughter Dechhogma gave birth to two sons, namely Chhogyel Norbu and Tenpa who grew up to be popular saints, under Lam Ngawang Chhogyel. The two sons were destined to be in the Lho (southern) part of Tibet or the Moen Yuel. Therefore, in the 16th century Chhogyel Norbu and Tenpa built Zarchen Samten Chholling and Kila Dechen Yangtse in Moen Yuel. On completion of these constructions they invited their uncle Pow Dorji from Tibet who resided in Kila Goenpa, initially known as Kila Dechen Yangtse. The cave in which he meditated is seen even today.
Pow Dorji with his two nephews spread the doctrine of Buddhism. Je-Jampel Sherub Gyeltshen who was the only son of Tenpa was the last descendant who later became a great saint with the teachings of Pel Sherab Singay and Bjetshen Jamyang Gyeltshen. He then spread the doctrine throughout the valley and resumed the disciplines and the teachings of Buddhism in Paro. In the 19th century, Je – Jampel Sherub Gyeltshen built a Lhakhang known as Gorikuenang Yoelzergang, which helped the people of Paro valley to learn the doctrine of Buddhism. During the time, the mind reincarnation of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel, Ngawang Jigme Norbu stayed in Gorikuenang Yoelzergang Goenpa as the chief of the monastery. Years later, Zhabdrung Jigme Norbu renovated the monastery, which still stands strong and attractive today.