Shera Drak

During the 3rd Rabjung, a Kathog Lam from Tibet came to Bhutan and spread the doctrine of Kathogpa and established schools in the places he visited like Dyelgo, Shera Drak, Chedi Goenpa, Tshento Chhoedi Goenpa and Jagoen Goenpa. Among all these schools, Dyelgo Shera Drak was considered the most important in terms of Kathogpa education.
At the same time a Kargyudpa lam, Jamyang Chhoeki Dendup also came to Delpo Damzhi in Bhutan and married a beautiful noble girl (belonging to Kathogpa sect) of whom a son was born. The son, Chhoeji Choki Jungney grew up and became the chief lama in the same Dratshang (Shera Drak).
Later, his incarnation Sangay Kuenlay continued as the Head of the monastery. Afterwards, his grandson Tshewang Jamtsho along with a Kathogpa lam, Chhoeji Karma Pelver renovated the monastery and also built another monastery called Delwa Karma Goenpa. During the reign of the last descendent of Kathog Chhoeji Gama, the monastery was strong and functioning, but today, however, it is in ruins.