Thangtong Gyalpo's suspension bridges at Tachogang Lhakhang

“Tachogang meaning the ‘Temple of the hill of the excellent horse’ was built by Bhutanese legendary, the great iron bridge builder Thangtong Gyalpo (1385-1464). As story goes,Thangtong Gyalpo was meditating at the very same spot when he had a vision of the spiritual horse Balaha-an emanation of Chenrizig Avalokiteshvara which inspired him to build a temple and name it Tachogang Lhakhang– “temple of the excellent horse”
Thangtong Gyalpo was a wonder working saint and engineer who is believed to be the first to use heavy iron chains in construction of suspension bridges. He built numerous iron bridges and temples across Bhutan and Tibet which is still today visited by many devotees. He is believed to have composed many of the folk songs still sung by people during harvesting, building houses and harvesting.”
learn aboutTachog Lhakhang:
Source: Amazing bhutan FB