Drolung Goenpa

In 1979, corresponding to lunar calendar Earth Ship at fifty-four, His Holiness Gendun Rinchen after having realized through his mystical power planned to established a monastery of his own initiative that had the resemblance over the Drolung Monastery of Tibet (the heart seat ot Marpa), and obviously later it came to be lknown as the second Drolung.
One day, Gendun Rinchen led a team that comprised of senior students of the Tango Shedra to renovate an old monastery. He had a genuine concern to renovate the old temple which actually needed an immediate renovation. However, the old temple was devastatingly ruined to the ground and renovation seemed difficult.
Just above the old temple, a lawn that had the space for the temple had given better alternative to construct a temple. Instantly Gendun Rinchen decided to build the temple there and had asked his students to do the groundwork such as clearing of bushes, moving the rocks: and stabilizing the place. As instructed, with dedication, the students got into the business, and meanwhile, Gendun Rinchen disappeared. However, the work continued till they completed the assigned work.
View of Tago from Goenpa
But surprisingly His Holiness prolonged his absence for hours, and the students concern grew. When they ultimately climbed uphill rummaging for their teacher in dense woods and explored all the possible places, they finally spotted Gendun Rinchen sitting on a log gazing towards them. There he instructed, "Hello my students, my monastery shall be built ther; You may clear the bushes and move the rocks".
As instructed, without reluctance, immediately the students did it, and that was the beginning of the construction of Drolung Monastery. In a few months time, with the help of the people that included carpenters from the different villages and senior students, the Drolung Monastery was majestically built. Gradually, in the same year inner relics and other décors were installed.
Thimphu view from Goenpa
The relics constitute the statues of Marpa, Tshangpa Gayrey, Kuenkhen Pema Karpo, and Zhabdrung Rinpoche. The statues were built by one of the leading sculptor Lopon Damchoe with the instructions and guidance from His Holiness.
His Holiness, with devotion had spent all his personal savings for the construction of the monastery, and later, the consecration ceremony was done by His Holiness himself blessing the entire valley of Drolung and sentient beings.