Dungtsho above Phajoding Gonpa

The name of the lake derived from dungkhar (white conch ) because the lake is said to contain two conches, a male and female one. There was a Buddhist master or Druthob called Druthob Dragey Shong who used to rove the hills and mountains. It is said that there are ruined walls of his meditation house near Dungtsho lake. According to the Lhodruk Chojung history which was written by late 69th Je khenpo Geshey Geden Rinchen, Druthob Dragey Shong is said to have seen the male and the female white conch inside the lake in direct perception.
Druthob Dragay shong Most of the monks from the Central Monastic Body in Bhutan have nicknames. The hermit in the photo nickname was Dragay Shong or the Old Path. When the adept was cremated few years in Phajoding above the Thimphu valley, the only thing he possessed was the clothes on his back. The Dragay spent all his life in retreat in the mountains and survived with the bare necessities of life.
Dungtsho is situated wonderfully in the middle of a cliff with no water source. A fast walker can go to the lake from Phajoding Goenpa in early morning and come back within the same day.
Source: Lhodruk Chojung
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